Thursday, July 28, 2011

Want to Win Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater?

Hey readers! I want to apologize for the lack of *cough-no* reviews... I have to visit the library, planning on doing that tomorrow - just a heads up!

Also I want to apologize for my lack of comments around the blog-o-shpere and my lack of posts. I am having MAJOR internet problems. The fact that you see only three posts for this week is because I shedueled these (ncluding this one) in what I like to call "open window moments" (meaning the internet is actually loading blogger). Sigh. So, in these "open window moments" I'll try and scheduele more posts so that it doesn't look like I deserted you guys! I'd never do that!! As soon as it smartens up I'll be commenting on everyone's blogs again with a vengence *evil grin*.

Anyways.... shall I get to the actual point of this post? Ahh yes... Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, do you want a brand new, paperback copy of it? Yes well then click on this link or click on the image of the book. It is very simple to enter and Amanda is so nice :) Good luck everyone!

Thanks for hanging around, sorry about the techinical issues....